Tag Archives: Blogs

The new normal

I’ve broken through a new barrier.
Two weeks of workouts are behind me and, normally, (or at least of late) this would be the point I would quit.
I used to see diet and fitness plans through to the end but not so much anymore. At least twice before in my life, I’ve lost 30 pounds, averaging a five- to six-pound loss per month over five months or so. I’ve done the Times Colonist 10K training a few times, the last time in 2010, capping four months of training by running the whole 10-kilometre route without stopping to walk.
I quit the clinic in 2002 when my marriage break-up impaired my ability to breathe. And I quit again in 2012 when my mom thought her cancer had returned (fortunately, a CT scan eventually showed she was healthy).
Obviously emotional crises are real obstacles.
Other people seem to work out their emotional issues by going for a long run or exercising with a new intensity. I just can’t seem to do that. I shut down.
Fortunately, I’m relatively crisis-free at the moment. My fractured arm is healing nicely and I’m taking the sling off for a longer period each day. Typing is now two-handed, which makes my job as a reporter a lot easier. But the arm is still pretty useless and it will be months before I get full mobility to my shoulder.
Through 2012 I tried to get back to regular exercise, but repeated efforts to get some momentum always fell short. And I discovered a great website (www.sparkpeople.com), the best I’ve seen, that allows you to log your food intake so you are consuming a set amount of calories each day.
But even after losing a few pounds following the website, I found the effort of logging overwhelming. Yes, those few pounds returned.
Then, a miracle. I was asked to commit to the Times Colonist Health Challenge, a 12-week fitness program that has me and five other participants getting our collective butts kicked by personal trainers twice a week. We’re getting more fruits, veggies and water in our bellies and banning junk and fast foods.
We’ve all got our stories to tell. Elisabeth Westlake is getting back on track after losing the love of her life last year.
Meanwhile Suzie Spitfyre is channelling her inner warrior princess as she fights her way back to good health and fitness.
I’ll be telling the stories of Raechel Grey, Steve Holub and Nathaniel Robinson in the coming weeks.
We’re all in this for different reasons.
I need a personal trainer to give me my marching orders each workout, count those repetitions and give support.
The initial phase of exhaustion is over. With each workout I’m feeling new energy and purpose. I can’t see my destination yet but I’m on the journey and enjoying the view.